Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Importance of Understanding a Technology Contract

Template for letter home to parents:

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are excited to announce our new initiative to supply all of our students with new Chromebooks. This letter has been sent out to share with you why we have decided to start this initiative, our resources for creating successful learning environments for your child, and how we will address your concerns with implementing this technology. In allowing for this Chromebook Initiative to take place, it will provide students an opportunity to prepare themselves for the tasks seen in the 21st century workforce. This initiative will also allow us as teachers to integrate engaging and meaningful learning experiences that will not only be memorable, but also a way for students to expand their digital literacy in the technological age.

Why we are starting this initiative:

We believe by starting this initiative, we are creating better opportunities for students to learn in and outside of our school. We believe Chromebooks will increase opportunity for digital literacy, as well as create engaging instruction for students. By introducing technology, we are addressing the ever evolving digital society in which we are helping prepare your child for, which will lead to better experiences that will create future career opportunities.


We are prepared to support both students and parents with this new technology. This is a learning experience to prepare and challenge students in the digital world. Rest assured, if you experience any problems with the technology please remember our staff is here to help. Please don't hesitate to contact either myself or IT for assistance. We are prepared to troubleshoot any issues/concerns related to the chromebooks. Students will be attending a session at the start of the school year that will involve an internet safety and proper laptop use workshop to ensure that your children not only know how to use the technology but also understand how to use the technology in a safe manner.


We understand that the implementation of this type of technology into the classroom can raise a few concerns among parents such as internet safety, the hours of usage, classroom distractions, and whether students will create a positive digital footprint. When debating this integration, we took these dilemmas into account and came up with action plans to combat any potential negatives of this initiative.

-Students will be required to take a course concerning Internet Safety, outlining how to stay safe, and what is appropriate to say online etc.

-We understand as well that overuse of technology can be detrimental to students development. Our goal is to monitor the amount of time students spend on their laptop/internet during the school day. Parents will be in charge of controlling the amount of time students spend on the computer each night. Teachers will be required to give students a good balance of homework on the computer, as well as paper homework. Our hope is students will spend a maximum of 2 hours on their laptop doing homework each night.

-Technology is often viewed as a distraction, our school internet server has blocked all websites that are not related to school and all social media in order to limit the amount of distractions available to students.

-We would like parents to be aware that all the Google Chromebooks are set up with Parental Controls that Parents can access. These can control what sites are visited, what is downloaded, and how much the student is able to
use the device. I.e. They can be set up to shut off after 9pm and can not used again until 7am the next morning. Our hope is that parents will be involved in their child’s technology journey.

Advantages to all of your students will be beneficial and visible in an immediate capacity.  Students having individual access to the internet while in the classroom will allow them to    conduct research personally.  This is a necessary skill in the digital age that we live in today, one which will improve your student’s ability to succeed now and in the future.  Implementation of technology in the classroom will also make your ability to view your student’s classroom much easier, as we will share it via email to you.

Technology Contract
1. I will use all classroom devices carefully and respectfully to avoid damaging them. If a device is damaged when I receive it or becomes damaged while I am using it, I will notify the teacher immediately.
2. I will not change the settings on any classroom devices.

3. I will return classroom netbooks and Chromebooks and plug them in before leaving the classroom.

4. I will not use classroom devices to play games, surf, Tweet, text, or use applications other than those designated for a specific educational purpose by the teacher.

5. If I bring my own device, I will be completely responsible for it. I will not use it to play games, surf, Tweet, text, or use applications other than those designated for a specific educational purpose by the teacher.

6. If I borrow a classmate’s device with his/her consent, I will not use it to play games, surf, Tweet, text, or use applications other than those designated for a specific educational purpose by the teacher.
Furthermore,  I understand that to have technology rights, I have to be responsible in my actions as well.
1. I will remember that not all people have access to or utilize technology in the same way. I will treat all of my classmates respectfully and kindly no matter what their options and access to technology are.
2. I will tell my teacher if I come across any information online that makes me feel uncomfortable.
3. I will not respond to any messages that are mean or make me feel uncomfortable. If I receive any messages like that, I will tell my teacher right away.
4. I will not share or publish my last name, address, telephone number, or other identifying information online.
5. I will treat others the way that I wish to be treated when using technology. I will keep in mind that my technology use affects others.
6. I will be a responsible online citizen and not do anything that hurts other people or is against the law.
7. I understand that using technology in the classroom is a privilege that may be revoked.
By providing these signatures, the student and parent are both agreeing that they have read and accept the conditions of this contract.

______________________________                       _______________________________
Parent Signature                  Date                            Student Signature                   Date

In crafting the letter home, we wanted to create a document that addressed the positives of ultizing technology in the classroom.  We also wanted to validate parental concerns and help to alleiviate any issues that they may form in there mind.  The technology contract was created as a way for the students to understand that technology in the classroom is a privilege that can facilitate their learning.

Performance Criterion 3.1: Candidates design learning environments that support individual learning marked by active engagement.

Performance Criterion 10.1: Candidates are prepared to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure student learning.

These templates are an example of the above criterion.  They help construct a positive learning environment that is driven by the responsibility of proper technology use.  Active engagments through technological initiatives, such as Chromebooks, iPads, and internet use can be used to engage students in entertaining lesson plans.  The template for the letter home to parents and guardians shows how I would collaborate and inform families in the future.  Conveying my teaching vision to families and community members is a crucial aspect of an educator's job and must be done in a professional manner.

One of my fears in utilizing technology in the classroom is that I do not want it to take over every lesson.  I feel like it could easily become a crutch to properly planning my lessons.  I also am weary of how distracting technology can be in the classroom, drawing the students' attention easily.  I am also aware of the positives of technology, such as how it can enhance a lesson through audio and visual means.  It can also be used to take polls of the class to see what works for students and what does not.

I want to incorporate technology in my classroom sparingly.  I believe that it can serve a very unique and unmatched purpose, however I want to stress human interaction in my classroom.  I need to better develop the ability to transfer in and out of technology quickly.  I also believe that the development of a friendly and respectful classroom environment is needed to reach the full potential of technology in the classroom.


  1. I liked how you are the connection between technology use and students' active engagement in the classroom. Incorporating technology in the classroom allows educators to connect with their students since students seem to be the ones that are more technologically savvy. Students can also see the value of technology outside of entertainment. I also have the worry that using technology too often will be distracting to my students. I wonder if using technology too much in the classroom will limit students social interactions outside of technology. If this is the case I wonder how teachers can promote both technology use and other means of communication and learning simultaneously.

  2. I liked how you noticed technology is a way to engage the students in the learning. Technology is a crucial part of the lives of students and it is important that educators acknowledge the impact it has and use it to benefit the students. With implementing technology comes the need to have strategies so that the educator has the students full attention when it is needed. I wonder how teachers can make it so the technology is less of a distraction and more of a tool in the classroom.

  3. Drake - I appreciate your positive intention in both the letter and the contract - this is important! You consider both some of the small details of implementation and the bigger picture - well done.
