Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Link Between Literacy and Curriculum

What is Constructivism

Literacy in the Digital Age

Using two different types of technology (Explain Everything and SparkPage), I was tasked with identifying, researching, and explaining my curriculum philosophy.  I was also tasked with defining literacy in the digital age. Upon reviewing of my assignments, I believe that they can be defined by Performance Criteria 4.1 and 5.2

Performance Criterion 4.1: Candidates accurately communicate central concepts of the discipline.

Performance Criterion 4.2: Candidates accurately address common misconceptions of the discipline.

When I began work on these two assignments, I viewed them as two separate entities and ideas.  Both are used in the confines of the classroom to teach and educate students, but it was not until completion that I was able to identify the similarities that they share.  My curriculum philosophy is the foundation of my teaching style and agenda, which also impacts the role of literacy in my lessons.  The methods and value I place on literacy are dictated by my philosophy of Constructivism.  In order for me to scaffold my students properly, I must be certain of their ability in all fields of literacy.  Literacy and curriculum philosophy must coexist and thrive together, as each will fail without support from one another.

With both presentations, I was able to accurately and proficiently communicate the tenants of my curriculum philosophy and my belief of digital literacy.  I presented my researched material in a concise manner and had a firm knowledge of the material.  I also addressed misconceptions on the notion of what literacy is and the belief that it merely pertains to the written word.  Finally, I clarified the principles of Constructivism and the key differences that separated it from other philosophies.

My most definite self reassessment came from the redefining what literacy meant in the current world.  I had to address my own misbeliefs that I held to be true.  Identifying my teaching philosophy helped me to research information and familiarize myself better with the discipline.  I plan to continue researching the hallmarks and teaching strategies associated with Constructivism.  I intend to actively incorporate digital literacy into my lesson plans, as I see the potential of the value it can add into the classroom.

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