Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Dangers of Viewing Others Through a Single Story

         Chimamanda Ngozi’s narrative of the danger of a single story was informative in identifying the obstacles that we must overcome in characterizing people and groups. Single stories usually focus on a negative trait or aspect of a people or culture, which makes them easier to remember and use in generalizations.  Ngozi also emphasizes how easy it is to view people through a single story, through no fault of the people being viewed.  She iterates that if the single story is repeated often enough, then through time it will eventually become the true narrative of those people.  It is important for us to be aware of these pitfalls in our lives in order to view all people equally.  As future educators, we must be extremely cautious of this in order for our students to be able to succeed to their fullest potential.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't thought about the power and potential impacts of repeating a single story with regard to defining people. Nice job making a connection to our work as teachers.
