Monday, January 30, 2017

My largest take away from Winooski High School's Mission Statement

     This semester, I will be working with a student who is an English Language Leaner (ELL) at Winooksi High School.  In preparation of this opportunity, I have researched the school's website and reviewed their mission statement.  The one statement that stands out the most to me is that "WMHS will build a leadership system that is guided by our students’ success in achieving 21st Century learning expectations".  That illustrates to me that educators at Winooksi High School are directly engaged in the academic success of their students and will adapt their teaching methods to suit the students' needs.  


  1. Interesting. What are 21 Century skills? I encourage you to look for evidence of them when you are at Winooski.

  2. Looking into the mission statement I think is very important from a business perspective a mission statement is essential to running a good business if you live up to it
