Thursday, January 26, 2017


     As I continue on my path to become an educator, I am consistently presented with new information in order to better prepare me.  If information and knowledge are tools, then it is in my best interest to always expand my tool bag.  Today, WIDA and it's use is that tool.  In my Adolescence Development class, I will be assigned a student who is an English Language Learner(ELL).  WIDA will help me facilitate their learning, in order for us both to succeed.
     WIDA will allows educators the opportunity to know where their students place with their understanding of English.  It also gives defined goals of each level, so educators and students can monitor their progress together.  This is important because it presents information that will benefit the student and gives educators the means that they can best reach their students.


  1. I appreciate this post regarding WiDA- the instructional implications are significant with regard to planning and implementation of content. I wonder how you might use the Can Do behavior chart to assist you when you teach your chapter.

  2. I haven't seen that chart before. Texas focus' on Krashen's theory and has a correlating chart that we use. I am going to use this too!
