Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy divides and classifies the different learning objectives that educators can set for their students.  It allows for diverse objectives for students, such as applying, analyzing, and evaluating what they have been taught.  The concept also helps set the foundation for each level above it, giving educators the knowledge of what needs to be accomplished before the next level can be obtained.  Bloom's Taxonomy is a viable tool for teachers that should be used at all times when planning learning objectives.

Monday, January 30, 2017

My largest take away from Winooski High School's Mission Statement

     This semester, I will be working with a student who is an English Language Leaner (ELL) at Winooksi High School.  In preparation of this opportunity, I have researched the school's website and reviewed their mission statement.  The one statement that stands out the most to me is that "WMHS will build a leadership system that is guided by our students’ success in achieving 21st Century learning expectations".  That illustrates to me that educators at Winooksi High School are directly engaged in the academic success of their students and will adapt their teaching methods to suit the students' needs.  

Thursday, January 26, 2017


     As I continue on my path to become an educator, I am consistently presented with new information in order to better prepare me.  If information and knowledge are tools, then it is in my best interest to always expand my tool bag.  Today, WIDA and it's use is that tool.  In my Adolescence Development class, I will be assigned a student who is an English Language Learner(ELL).  WIDA will help me facilitate their learning, in order for us both to succeed.
     WIDA will allows educators the opportunity to know where their students place with their understanding of English.  It also gives defined goals of each level, so educators and students can monitor their progress together.  This is important because it presents information that will benefit the student and gives educators the means that they can best reach their students.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Dangers of Viewing Others Through a Single Story


         Chimamanda Ngozi’s narrative of the danger of a single story was informative in identifying the obstacles that we must overcome in characterizing people and groups. Single stories usually focus on a negative trait or aspect of a people or culture, which makes them easier to remember and use in generalizations.  Ngozi also emphasizes how easy it is to view people through a single story, through no fault of the people being viewed.  She iterates that if the single story is repeated often enough, then through time it will eventually become the true narrative of those people.  It is important for us to be aware of these pitfalls in our lives in order to view all people equally.  As future educators, we must be extremely cautious of this in order for our students to be able to succeed to their fullest potential.