Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Australia's Secondary School System

Australia is a developed nation that is currently ranked 6th in the world for their education system.  Australia spends 5.3% of their GDP on education.  The Australian government places a large amount of value on their educational system.  In Australia, 99% of their students enroll into a secondary school once their primary education is complete.  Australia has three types of secondary school for their students to attend: Government, Catholic, and Independent. Government schools are free to students, but Catholic and Independent schools do charge students a fee for attending.

Students in Australia attend secondary school for four to six years, with 3-4 years in secondary school and 1-2 years in senior secondary school.  Australia's population is overwhelmingly concentrated in urban areas, with 89.4% of their students from this background.  Education is compulsary until grade 11, which demonstrates the value that the country holds on educating their adolescents.  This has helped students though, with 88% of people 25-34 holding a degree from a secondary institution.

Links: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog http://www.australiaeducation.info/K12/facts-and-statistics-of-australian-school-education-system.html


1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog post that goes in depth into the education system in Australia. You had thorough discussion regarding the concentration of citizens in urban areas and that affect on their education system, your opening line discussing that Australia is a developed nation is a great first sentence to discuss the overarching theme of the chapter, and you did a great job comparing and contrasting the types of schools in the country. Overall this is a great blog post that highlights much of the discussion that we had in class on the chapter.
