Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Importance of Planning

After completing the readings, I believe that two major takeaways are vital to the success of a strong advisory plan.  The most immediate point is that an educator must properly plan, from daily tasks to monthly and quarterly planning.  Without an established plan of goals and course of action, the teacher and students do not have a proper understanding of what is or will be conducted.  In the army, we had the phrase, "A failure to plan is a plan to fail", and I believe that this is true in the education field. Time is a valuable asset that can not be recovered and educators must make the most out of every minute in order to ensure their students are as prepared as they can be.

Planning that is conducted within the team with other teachers and in the classroom are both important aspects of the advisory team.  Each teacher brings their own strengths to the team and through proper planning, those skill sets can be fully exploited for the students' success.  Planning through the team also allows for each teacher to bring their experience or concerns so that an issues or compromises can be resolved.

The other part of a strong advisory team is contact with the parents of the students. Teachers and parents should both feel empowered in their student's success.  Open lines of communication between educators and students means more than just contacting one another when a student under performs.  It means letting the parents know when their student is exceeding the standard and encouraging participation from the parents.  On the other side, parents must not wait until their students are failing or struggling to try and be pro active in their student's life.  They must converse with the teachers to inform them of major changes that have the possibility to affect their student's work, both positively and negatively.  


  1. Planning and communication are keys to being a successful teacher! It is time consuming to plan in advance but gives the educator a clear idea of how to teach the objective and the long term goals.
    Communication with parents can be difficult at times for educators. For the most part, many parents will be assests to the teacher because they love their child and want what is best. Once the educator shows investment, a relationship can form and models for the student the importance of school.

  2. I agree that planning is critical. I think the planning is a sign of respect for our students and our profession. It is also, quite frankly, really interesting and fun. Sometimes I find that after I plan, my brain is satisfied and I don't need to teach!

  3. Planning is key and becomes even more effective when middle grade teams have common planning time. Working on a team allows for more creative thinking through collaboration. I also agree that the role of an advisor is essential to the success of a young adolescent. The home - school relationship is essential!
